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Race report Hartwell final round Broadford Sept 18-19

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:21 pm
by JasonL
Last round of Hartwell series at Broadford, entered the FZR and VFR in P6 and Pre Modern.

Having been off work on the Thursday and Friday with bronchitis and getting the usual bad sleep before a race, it was only the Points imperative that had me drag my sorry carcass to the track. I’d managed to get some work done on the FZR and was keen to see what the change was like – inlet valve clearances, braided lines and a Marchesini fitted on the rear.

The main focus for the weekend was getting 3rd place for the year in Pre Modern. Going in I was 4 points behind 3rd place held by Andrew Lind on a Z1000 and 9 ahead of the rider behind me, a quick 400. The Z1000 is quick in a straight line and Broadford is not always easy to pass on, so qualifying would be crucial; it’s easy to get boxed in amongst the heavy Pre Modern traffic and I had to finish ahead of Andrew in both heats., or by a fair gap in one of them and be right behind him in the other.

For P6 I qualified the FZR on pole which might sound like progress but we were all in the 1.06’s so well off race pace. On this basis I elected to qualify the VFR in Pre modern as I can still do a better lap time on it, which I did, good enough to be on the outside of the front row, Andrew was two rows back – this was good news, as I needed to be ahead of him into turn one. John Rickard on his 87 FZR ran a 1.03.7 qualifying time – phenomenal – we’ve been driving each other’s times down. Last meeting, I did a 1.04.8, then he did a 1.04.6, then I did a 1.04.2 (and felt pretty smug) then he uncorks this! So he was 2nd on the Pre modern grid. I think I can get the VFR into the 3’s now, with fresh rubber and a bit of maintenance, I’d be very happy to do that, even a 1.03.99 would do me.

So first race up was P6 heat 1, coming in 2nd in class and 4th outright on the FZR, but I decided I’d race the VFR in Pre Modern especially after qualifying it well; while the FZR would give me the straight-line speed to hold off Andrew’s bike I was banking on making a break on the VFR and keeping it. I just didn’t feel confident in pushing the FZR. I have to admit being a bit intimidated by it, it doesn’t feel like a friend the way the VFR does, which is so easy to ride.

The Pre Modern race came around, I was nervous but as prepared as I could be under the circumstances, felt under the weather and just wanted to get it over with. Knew I had to get a good start and did, the race felt like an eternity, I was making mistakes here and there, but crossed the line 5th and Andrew had got caught up in traffic and was only 11th, so I was already 2 points ahead with one race left!! That really took the pressure off for the second and final heat.

First race on Sunday was again P6, took the Honda out to warm it up for the last Pre modern heat and check all was ok. 2nd in class and 3rd outright I think.

And so down to the last Pre modern race. They had mucked the grids up so when I came to grid up, someone was already in my spot! They had amended the grid but not announced doing so, only putting it up on the wall and I hadn’t checked - seemingly the transponder on a fast 125 had not been working during qualifying so we were all bumped back a spot. Didn’t get a great start and then Andrew came past before turn 1 so I knew I had my work cut out. Scrappy race, people all over the place, I got onto the back of him within 2 laps but there were others in-between; I knew that as long as he was 5th or worse, I could finish right behind him and win by one point. I was doing all these sums in my head, who had gone past, are we 5th and 6th or worse, where are we. At one point it looked like we could finish with a bike or two between us but they got past him. I sat in behind him for a lap to see where he was fast, slow and on the last lap took the plunge and went around the outside on the 2nd last turn, and gassed it onto the finish straight, hoping he was far enough back not to out-drag me, I held a gear instead of changing, hoping it wouldn’t hit the limiter and made it across the line in front! All I felt was relief; I’d done what I needed to do. Except when I looked at the results, I hadn’t counted on the guy behind me on points (he was 9 behind heading into the weekend) who was one place behind me in the first heat but 4 spots ahead in the last heat – could it be enough to beat me on points??? I sat down trying to work it all out and was pretty sure I was still 4 ahead. So far the points have not been put up on Computime so I can’t see it in writing yet!! John Rickard got a jump start so maybe they haven’t worked out how we all finished. He went even quicker, doing a 1.03.5, stunning. We‘d swapped FZR’s in the warm up and I can tell you his bike is everything mine needs to be, it is well sorted. Mine still feels like a road bike, his is pure racer.

The last P6 race was really a run around, I took the FZR out to see if I could get it into the 1.04’s but no such luck, however finishing 2nd in class again was enough for 2nd overall on the day and 1st in the P6 championship, so nothing to sneeze about. The engine felt better for the inlet clearances being done, more responsive and even sounds different, and it starts so easily now! I was disappointed in not noticing much difference with the Marchesini on the back despite the massive weight saving; then again John’s FZR runs stock EXUP wheels which tells me 2 things: 1/ proper set up is more important than light wheels and 2/ he’d likely get in the 1.02’s if he had some on his. My best time on it was a 1.05.3 I think, well off the VFR pace and I’m a bit stumped as to why. I was expecting to be a second quicker not slower!

The end of the 3rd consecutive championship I’ve run in and I’m all spent. Two more races left for the year, PCRA round at Broadford which will be for fun and to catch up with old friends then the Bel-Ray 6hr on a ZX10 at Phillip Island in December for something different. I have to say I need a break, I can’t see myself doing a full club championship next year, too many other things deserve more attention. I’ll take the off-season to work out what I’m doing bike-wise. I wish I’d got the FZR sorted a year ago, I’d be in a different frame of mind about it – I know I can ultimately be faster on it but the desire falls short when I look at the time and money needed to do so. It’s just not working for me and I have to take a long hard look at where I’m going with it. Sure I haven’t raced it much yet but right now I don’t have the motivation to see it through. It’s been a reality check seeing how much I’ve already spent on it versus how far I’ve got to go to feel comfortable and be quick on it. Confidence is everything. Or maybe I’m over having something to chase or prove……I’ve been very lucky these past 3 years racing, achieved much more than I’d hoped and for now I’m happy with that. One thing’s for sure – if I get any more race bikes they’ll be already well sorted (incredible bargains excepted!).

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:45 pm
by spook
Great report Jason! Your starting to get down into some Very good times there, with good results as well.

I'll be interested to see how you go at the PCRA round, when you are racing only for the fun of it :poke

If you want to catch up for a ride or beer... drop me a line :)

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:59 pm
by JasonL
Yes, I've been meaning to catch up for a while, still have a fair uni workload over the next few weekends but will be around after that. The tyres on the VFR are well past their best and I'd like fresh rubber for the PCRA round but just can't afford it right now, if I'm still doing low 4's on them they can't be too bad and should last one more meeting, and you're right, maybe with the pressure off will be a bit more relaxed and quicker anyway!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:11 am
by FZRDude
Great report and great results as well. Thanks for the read!!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:49 am
by sbutler
[quote] I was disappointed in not noticing much difference with the Marchesini on the back despite the massive weight saving; then again John’s FZR runs stock EXUP wheels which tells me 2 things: 1/ proper set up is more important than light wheels and 2/ he’d likely get in the 1.02’s if he had some on his. [quote]

Great report J. I think you should have already known about the lighter wheel thing. Remember the BSfos last year when you were ready to set the track alight with you lightweight wheels on the VFR, & it made bugger all difference.

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:44 am
by JasonL
Haven't found any pics of the FZR from this meet but here's the Pre-modern crowd, gives you a good idea of the make-up - Z1000, ZXR400, 929 Fireblade, VFR400 (finished 2nd for the year by 1 point - I thought I had a challenge!!) a 125, ex Marty Craggill superbike and so on. Thanks to KTJ images and Simone Expressions.



Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:01 pm
by Mike_SS
Great report Jason and congrats on resuts. :)

It is hard sometimes to remember it is about having fun. Multiple bikes can be a curse. I have to decide what I am doing next year as well. (see separate race report)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:38 pm
by JasonL
Thanks Mike, I've been pretty lucky and always finished which is 3/4 of the battle. I never finished on the rostrum once in Pre Modern, best was a pair of 4ths, but its the final tally that matters. When you go back through the results, of 40 points-scorers only about 10 or 12 scored in every round/heat. So just turning up is going a long way to getting into the top 10.

Multiple bikes are a problem, it should be the opposite but it has to be one or the other I'm realising. Ok if you have the time and money and they are in completely different classes (or they are exactly the same bike maybe; one guy has two Genesis 1000's a dry bike and a wet bike!)

Good luck with the recovery and the decisions to be made!